Never Too Far Behind

Life is funny. 7 years ago, totally unexpectedly, I met the most amazing woman ever. I'm still not sure how, but we quickly became friends, and today I have the privilege to consider her my best friend. We've been almost inseparable since that night, which she would claim not to be so healthy, but at the same time admit that we couldn't be any other way. I love her immensely. She's my inspiration, my muse. My partner in crime. The explorer. The "wide eyed wanderer".We've been fortunate to have seen and done many things together over these last few years. Last year I made her a book as a gift. It contains images of her, from many of the places we have been to. As I looked over these images, a common theme appeared, which hopefully is reflected in the work. These images are very personal, and far removed in style, processing, etc from what I typically share. But nonetheless, these are some of my most fond memories. Take a look at a selection of images from Never Too Far Behind.