Scheveningen Sunset

A little bit of a break from the Venice photos, and back to more familiar territory. My friend Marko and I visited Scheveningen back in August of last year to make some photographs of the pier and beach. We took the train from Amsterdam, where we traded work stories and talked about photography.This image was made about 15 minutes before it got dark, and was one of the last I took that day. My feet by this time were very wet, as I had ventured out into the water, which I have to say it was not warm by any means, to capture some images. In all a good trip that produced a few images that I'm happy with. One of which I've already published. My intent was to shoot an HDR of this scene, but I ended up liking this particular bracket and felt that there was potential here.Processing wise, I started in Lightroom and enabled Lens Correction and add a touch of clarity. The rest was all in Photoshop. Here's what the image looked like before going into Photoshop:In photoshop, I started by skewing the image to fix the wide angle distortion, then added a few curves. My first thought was to darken the sky and give it more contrast. I ended up duplicating this sky adjustment and then fading it in to darken it even more. From there, I focused on the foreground. I wanted to bring up the right side of the image, and add more contrast. I then added a curve with a narrow gradient to lighten up the the buildings and the horizon.Then I moved on to the color. Again with curves, added blue/magenta to the sky, and yellow/reds to the sand/water. Finished it up by bringing it back into Lightroom, making the horizon straight and adding a vignet.Below you can find a quick screen grab of my photoshop layers for this image:
Hope you enjoy it, more Venice coming up tomorrow.P.S. Thanks for everyone that viewed/commented/etc on the previous image on Flickr. It seems that it made into yesterday's Explore at number 15.