Venice Carnival 2012 #1

Last week Sandy and I spent 10 amazing days in Italy. It was my first time in Italy, and I'm sure to go back.The main reason for the trip, was to attend David J. Nightingale's Venice Carnival Photo Tour which I have been looking forward to for a few months now. David was joined by the amazing Bobbi Lane as well as Fabio Thian, which was responsible for the majority of the logistics during the workshop amongst many other things, including documenting the experience.I'm not quite sure how to describe the entire experience, aside from incredible. Venice has become my favorite city in the world. It truly feels that you have stepped into another world and time. Carnival in Venice, well there is nothing quite like it. As for the workshop, if far surpassed my expectations.It was amazing to be able to learn and shoot side by side with such incredible photographers. Two very different photographers, but each with its own talents, approaches and thinking, that really complement each other.I've come away hopefully a stronger photographer.As for the photo. This is the first of many that I will be sharing. This one in particular was taken on our first day in Venice before the start of the workshop. During Carnival, there are many masked and costumed people that will let you photograph them. In fact, they are there to be photographed. This character in particular, had one of the most beautiful costumes we saw all week. The light was just about perfect as it was towards the late afternoon. I decided to focus on the details of the costume itself and the light.As for processing: edited in Photoshop, which after seeing David do his thing, will become a much more important tool in my workflow. Some minor cropping from the right side, selective contrast and darkening curves, and a slight boost in saturation.Hope you like it, more to come.Update: A little while ago, the model in this photo contacted me via my Facebook page, and I now know who she is. If you are curious and will be in Venice, be sure to look her up! Thanks Sophie!