Venice Carnival 2012 #2

While you see many masks during "Carnevale" in Venice, you also see many people in period (usually 18th century) costumes often as couples. This couple was just strolling near San Marco square on our last morning in Venice. Unlike other performers, these two seemed to be just enjoying the attention they were getting as they didn't seem to be like the others that give you their business cards. Of course I could be wrong.This workshop was a bit of a breakthrough for me in when it came to approaching people on the street to ask for their portraits. Granted, the environment in Venice helped tremendously, but I learned that the worst thing someone can say is no. I can live with that. This couple was gracious to pose for me and for allowing me to pose them how I wanted them to look. Whoever you are, many thanks.As for the photo, I used my 24-70 at 70mm, which means I was pretty close to them. It has been cropped from the bottom right, to correct my mistake in composition. I've also removed a few distractions on the top left and top right corners. Processing done in photoshop, using curves to flatten out and raise the blacks, more curves to bring up the brightness in the middle and their faces, and then a layer to tone the image, and finally an oval vignette.Let me know what you think. More to come.